Monday, June 14, 2010

Little beauties

Little beauties have sustained me recently through a series of misadventures.

When a routine crown at the dentist turns into a double root canal followed by a defective crown that needs to be drilled off but it goes wrong and your face turns black and blue and swollen...

you can find particular joy and comfort thinking about the happier things in life...

bees, for example...

and honey... a million shades of pink...

and lavendar and green...

... the smell of elderberry flowers and more bees!

Just as I was musing on that my friend Terri Conrad wrote a wonderful post on her blog. Click here to read it, and enter her drawing for some lovely gifts.  Terri hasn't had a completely smooth path either, and she's using her art to make the world a better place.

Even now the first strawberry is almost ripe, and other good things await us all. There is joy just around the bend. Can you feel it?